Messiah Lutheran Church • 5200 Mayfield Rd., Lyndhurst, OH 44124 • 440-442-6941
Here you will find Pr. Paul's message from the monthly Grace Note, along with sermons from various Sundays and Adult Bible Study. Also, the special service for the Emanuel 9 is now on this page, along with the bulletin and the prayer for Racial Healing.
Harvest Time Is Here
Dear Church, The harvest time is again upon us, beckoning our attention towards stewarding the many gifts God has given this year and how we will support Christ’s ministry at Messiah in 2025. October will feature a spotlight on financial giving again this year, with a handful of interview-style sermons and the goal of bringing forth our pledges on Reformation Sunday (October 27th). Keep an eye out for a special letter this month with more guidance as we discern what is next for us as a congregation!
Let us pray: Almighty God, Source of all mercies, we thank you for your goodness to us and to all that you have made. We praise you for your creation, for keeping us and all things in your care, and for all the blessings of life, especially the thoughtfulness and compassion shared here at Messiah Lutheran Church. Above all we bless you for your immeasurable love in redeeming the world by our Lord Jesus Christ, for the means of grace, and for the hope of glory. And, we pray, give us such an awareness of your mercies that with thankful hearts we praise you, not only with our lips but in our lives, giving of ourselves and of the resources you’ve blessed us with all our days; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (Evangelical Lutheran Worship, adapted)
c/o Pastor Paul
This Fall (2024) in the adult Sunday School class, we’ll be learning about our denomination’s social statements that help guide us in our shared faith. Dave Lenz and Pastor Paul will team lead conversations, beginning with an overview about these statements and how they connect with Scripture and our values as Lutherans. As the season progresses, we hope to read through some of them together and even look ahead to statements that are currently in draft form. Plan to join us if you can!
Archived lessons below:
First Sunday of Advent + Year A November 27, 2022
Christ the King Sunday + Year C November 20, 2022
Bible Study 2022 C Lectionary 33 November 13, 2022
All Saints Sunday + Year C November 6, 2022
10/30 - Group led class: Reformation Sunday + Year C October 30, 2022
10/16 - Sunday School Lectionary 29 C 2022
10/9 - Sunday School Lectionary 28 C 2022
The First Sunday After Lent 2021 (Lectionary 1B)
The Second Sunday of Advent
The Twenty-fourth Sunday After Pentecost 2020 (Lectionary 33 A)
The Twentieth Sunday After Pentecost 2020 (Lectionary 29 A)
The Nineteenth Sunday After Pentecost 2020 (Lectionary 28 A)
We invite you to to CLICK HERE to read Pr. Paul's message.
Five years ago today a stranger was welcomed into Bible Study at Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, SC. After the study ended, he opened fire, killing 9 of the people present in the name of white supremacy. The gunman grew up and was confirmed in an ELCA congregation, and is indicative of the continued, required work needed for us to repent of the sins of racism and white supremacy.
Today, along with our entire denomination, we commemorate the martyrdom of The Emanuel Nine. We give thanks for their faithful witness, grieve their deaths, and confess our own complicity in these systems of sin and death.
Take a few moments this evening to light a candle, participate in the brief liturgy (CLICK HERE FOR BULLETIN), and remember the lives of these siblings in faith. The video is below.
~Pastor Paul
August 12, 2018
Please watch the following blog for updates regarding the location and topic:
Please check the blog below (or click here: for the topic(s). We'll be meeting in person, location to be determined.