Messiah Lutheran Church • 5200 Mayfield Rd., Lyndhurst, OH 44124 • 440-442-6941
Church office hours:
Mon, Weds & Fri 12:00pm – 4:00pm
(access to church by appointment only)
Pastor's office hours:
Wednesdays, 1:00pm - 3:00pm
5200 Mayfield Road, Lyndhurst, Ohio 44124, United States
Emails & phone will be checked remotely. Office Phone: 440-442-6941 Email:
If you are in need of prayer, or would like prayers for someone else, click the button below and it will reach our prayer team. You are not alone, and we will pray for you and those you care about.
Our Mission Prayer: Gracious God, through belief in Christ and through the presence of the Holy Spirit within us, empower us to share the word; care and support each other and God's community; worship as a family in Christ; and be Christ-like examples to those whose lives we touch. Amen.
Steve Liss
Office Phone: 440-442-6941
Sheryl Trost
Kristy Bohinc