Messiah Lutheran Church • 5200 Mayfield Rd., Lyndhurst, OH 44124 • 440-442-6941
September 11th – Dinner & Singing: Our first choir rehearsal is September 11th at 6:30pm at the Lester homestead. Food at 6:30 & rehearsal at 7:30. Please let Vicki Lester know if you plan to eat and sing!
This audio was recorded from the worship service on the Third Sunday of Advent, 12/17/23. The Messiah Choir, led by director Vicki Lester and accompanied by Adam Dellinger, fills the church with joyful song.
This video is extracted from the worship service from the Third Sunday of Advent, 12/17/23. The Messiah Choir, led by director Vicki Lester and accompanied by Adam Dellinger, fills the church with joyful song.
Choir rehearsals:
We rehearse at 7:30pm on Wednesday evenings during the Fall, Winter, and Spring.
In addition to our weekly choir anthem, we perform two longer works a year called cantatas. These are at Easter and Christmastime.
Who can join?
YOU CAN! Just share your willingness to our choir director and then share your voice with our church family.
Choir rehearsals:
We rehearse with Ms. Allison during the Opening Worship , prior to Sunday School (9:00am).
It's always a highlight for the whole church when this energetic choir provides us with a musical offering, whether with voices or handbells.
Who can join?
All children are welcome.
Our beginners choir is for children from Kindergarten through 3rd grade.
Choir rehearsals:
Directed by our adult choir director
Vicki Lester, the choir performs
several times a year.
Who can join?
This choir includes children from
4th - 8th grade. Again, all are welcome!
Offertory Music - All Saints' Sunday - 11/7/21
"Alleluia" by: Giulio Caccini
Alison Griffith, bells
Jaime Trost, glockenspiel
Arrangement by: Glenn Odenbrett, with the assistance of Thomas Trost
(In addition to commemorating the departed souls of our Messiah family, this musical Offertory is dedicated to the millions of departed COVID-19 victims from around the world.)
Photo of candles by: Nicola Fioravanti c/o
Photo of Messiah church by: Kristy Bohinc
The Messiah Adult Choir
Directed by: Vicki Lester
Accompanied by: Adam Dellinger
The bell choir is currently without a leader. If you have the time and the ability to lead this beautiful music making ensemble then search your feelings, pray for guidance and step forward. Please contact Nancy Pittard if you are interested or have questions.
Messiah's Bell Choir is an all volunteer group. We used to practice one hour a week and try to play once a month for service. Our music ranges from A Level 1 to as high as Level 4. This keeps things challenging for all ringers but not overwhelming. Our music is a mix of secular and sacred and we try to work up a fun nonsense piece to end our season in May. Novice to experienced, we are open to all!